New Ikebana-course after the long winter break

My long-time student Bernadette was happy to join the new course and designed beautiful arrangements as always. Also some new students found the way to our studio and did surprisingly very nice works.

Workshop with Paperbark

We held a workshop for the members of the Nambour floral art society last Wednesday. The ladies are all expirienced in flower arranging and wanted to expand their floral horizons with Ikebana. We chose easy to find materials, like paperbark, palmleaves, farns and flowers from the garden. It was a bit tricky, becouse most of the container and kenzans were a little to small, but everyone had a good result and a lot of joy..

Workshop with our creative group in Bli Bli

We made structures with small rubber-bands, thin elastic sticks or stiff barbecue sticks, dry branches and a few flowers. Some structures where hung up in the dry branches and are able to float around, some are soft triangels, same are stiff triangels and some are there just for fun, like the creatores.

Winter-arrangements with leaves

We tried to shape waves withs Aspidistra-leaves and white Alstromeria-flowers, photographt it in front of the kitchen splash-back, which is blue as our beautiful blue sky. The dracaena-leaves building an arche and protect the stock-flowers.

Preparing for the new classes

I´m happy to be back in my Australien hometown with beautiful blue sky and lovely winter-weather. Despite my ongoing jetleg I´m busy with preparing for the upcoming classes and the workshops in which I want to use local materials only.

Workshop Part 2

As we mentioned last week, we are pleased to show you the beautiful work Jiachi did for the Examination of book 5. She chose number 33 of the 50 principles of Sogetsu “select a container that accentuates the beauty of the ikebana-arrangement”, and did it in a perfect way.

Workshop with my online-Students

We held an intensiv workshop over the weekend with my online-students. I met some of the ladies, which came from different parts of Germany, “Jena, Hamburg, Leipzig, Pfaffenhofen and Düsseldorf “ for the first time und also the girls met each other for the first time in person. We workt hart on different fixings like “tate no soegi-dome, yoko ichimonji-dome” with very good results. We startet with Moribana first Variation made of flowers only, did the hart work in the middle and a light and airy Bamboo-Arrangment at the end. One of the girls completed Sogetsu-Textbook Nr. 5 and explaned as part of here examiantion how to use “tate no suegi-dome”. Next week you can see the picturs of here work.

Vorführung zum Abschluss des IBV-Kongresses 2024

Jeweils ein Meister der Ikenobu-Schule und ein Meister einer anderen Ikebana-Schule gestalteten gemeinsam auf der Bühne ihre Arrangements mit den gleichen Materialien, aber jeder im Stil seiner Schule. Ein interessantes und gelungenes Experiment.

Nachtrag zum Ikebana-Kongress in Wiesbaden-Naurod

Zu unserer großen Freude sind heute die Photos vom 2. Teil unseres Koryu-Toyokai-Workshop angekommen, von denen ich einige ausgesucht habe und zu Ihrer Freude auf unsere Webseite setze. Yuko und ich denken gerne an unsere intensiven, kreativen Seminartage in Naurod zurück.


We did moon-arrangements last week. The rising moon stands for spring, full moon for summer and the decreasing moon for autumm. We are just on the transition from spring to summer, so the students did both versions. For the students without a moon-container, Ulla prepared a moon-Version out of a thick cardboard, which was easy to make and the results where stunning.

Workshop im alten Bahnhof Kettwig

Meine langjährigen Schüler, jetzt unter der Leitung von Ulla Steuter, erarbeiteten interessante Arrangements aus grünen Bambusstangen, Bambuswurzeln und frischen Blumen. Der Bambus in Frau Steuters Garten hatte längst die Hauptrolle übernommen und überwucherte andere wertvolle Pflanzen, so dass er entfernt werden musste. Die Wurzeln wurden mühevoll ausgegraben, geteilt, gesäubert und getrocknet und sind eine wunderbare Ergänzung zu unserem heutigen Thema. Bei einer anschließenden Feierstunde erhielt Ulla Steuter ihr “Sogetsu-Lehrerzeugnis” und Jiachi Fan das Zeugnis zum Abschluss des vierten Lehrbuches.

Ikebana-Kongress des IBV in Wiesbaden Naurod

Wir durften wunderschöne kreative Tage auf unserem jährlichen Ikebana-Kongress im Wilhelm Kempff Haus erleben. Meine Freundin Yuko und ich gaben drei Workshops ihrer Koryu Toyokai Schule mit traditioneller Vorführung. Unsere Teilnehmerinnen genossen die entspannte Atmosphäre erarbeiteten Bambus-Arrangements, drei Grundstile der Koryu Toyokai Schule und übten sich in der traditionellen Art der Vorführung.

Paperbark-Workshop for Ikebana International Cologne

We made sculptures from wire, newspaper, a lot of glue and very thin paperbark. Orchid tubes were integrated, so that we could work with flowers. Together with a small container we created imaginative Ikebana-Arrangements

Creative workshop at the Sunshine-Coast Hinterland

This time our group met at a brandnew house in a rural environment with lots of native plants around which we could use. The theme was a three-dimensional style without container, without Kenzan, only 1 or 2 small vases for the fresh material allowed. We used paper-bark, wild hibiscus, drum-sticks, packing material, wild berries, Salvia and a few more.


Book 5, Lesson 19 is asking for “Relief-Work” made from dried plant-materials. On of my master-students get in the mood and so she did four different relief works, two with a matching arrangment on the side. I would like to support her enthusiasm and show you all the works she has done on this topic.

Zoom-Ikebana with left hand

One of my talented students in Germany came to class with a deep cut in her right hand, with a bandage and could only move two fingers. But she managed to do a wonderful Moribana Variation 1, slanting with apple branches and protea-flowers manly with her left hand. My master-class student did a tsuribana with asparagus and spring-flowers and hang it up very clever on a clothesline. My tsuribana is made to hang up in a window.

Workshop at Bettinas "Motorship" in Noosaville

We were happy to follow Bettina´s invitation to held a workshop in her beautifully decorated studio, named Motorship, in Noosaville. It was a lot of fun to work with these young motivated ladies, how practist Ikebana for the first time and the results were impressive.


We enjoyed to design our Easter-Arrangements with all kinds of dry branches, beautiful green material, mainly yellow flowers but a few light blue ones, Xanadu-leaves, egg-shells and little quail-eggs. Happy Easter to all of you!

We take a short break and will be back at beginning of April.

Creative-Class Sunshine-Coast

Once a month we meet with three ladies from Sogetsu-Queensland to create free arrangements with things we have found over the month. This time, we focust mainly on dried materials, like a hollow tree trunk, bark and interesting branches. We combined theme with some lives and a few fresh flowers.


We focust on table-decoration this week using flat containers, card-bords or direct on a table close. It was fun to work with carfully chosen delicate materials in rarely used containers. For the card-bords we used mother-in-low tongues, together with fruits and a little bit of Tipuchina.

We also did the creativ-class with two Ladies from Sogetsu Brisbane, which was very productiv. The pictures of that you will see next week.